' convert multidimension array to single array
if isarray(aelement) then
for i=0 to ubound(aelement,2)
strval=strval & aelement(arr_col,i) & ","
'response.write strval & "strval"
end if
end function
aelement is the name of multi dimensional array while arr_col is the column number which we want to converts into single array
this is the example of the multidimensional array
Name | Age |
Amy Jefferson | 17 |
Mark Tan | 25 |
John Grissam | 29 |
Kathleen Rowling | 35 |
so if the array name is ainfo, the way to extract the name into a single dimension array is
ainfo2 elements to will be:
Amy Jefferson
Mark Tan
John Grissam
Kathleen Rowling
any errors or feedback forward it to : nor@melur.com
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